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Joypad Auto Configuration

How does matching work?

RetroArch is shipped with a set of configuration files for the most common joypads. When you plug a joypad for the first time, we try to find a matching profile in our set.

The matching algorithm considers three criteria:

  • Device name
  • Vendor ID
  • Product ID

We compute a matching score for each configuration file based on these three factors. The profile with the highest score is chosen to configure the pad.

Note: The Vendor ID and Product ID pair is often abbreviated as vid:pid.

Why is it needed?

RetroArch works many platforms. Each of these platforms has one or more input systems. These input systems in turn differ widely in the way they enumerate the pad buttons. For this reason, your joypad buttons may be mapped differently depending on if you are using Windows, Mac, or Linux.

Traditional emulators allow you map each button of your pad to the original pad of the emulated system. For example, this is how the Snes9x joypad configuration interface looks:

Snes9x joypad configuration

RetroArch also allows this kind of manual mapping. However, RetroArch tries to go further by detecting your joypad and automatically configuring it so manual configuration becomes obsolete.


With RetroArch joypad auto-configuration system, your joypad will be recognized and will work out of the box.

This allows:

  • Use many different joypads and have them attributed to each players like it would work on a real game console.
  • Unplug the second joypad, and replace it by another one, even if it's of a different brand and model.

Having automatically configured joypads makes it a lot easier to navigate the RetroArch Menu with the joypad. This is very convenient when running RetroArch on a game console, where a keyboard and a mouse are not always available. It is also what makes RetroArch suitable to build your own game console using Lakka or a similar OS.

Before you begin

Make sure that you run the latest version of RetroArch, to generate a file name and file content via Settings -> Input -> RetroPad Binds -> Port 1 Controls -> Save Controller Profile that is up to date with our current policies.

Change the Controller Profiles Directory to make it accessible for non-root users

Both Flatpak and Android versions require adjusting the Controller Profiles Directory for essential functionality and proper operation.

Android configuration


Most Android devices aren't rooted, and RetroArch's default autoconfig directory requires root access. This leads to two problems:
* Users can't save custom profiles through Settings -> Input -> RetroPad Binds -> Port 1 Controls -> Save Controller Profile.
* Restricted File Access: Users can update controller profiles through Main Menu -> Online Updater -> Update Controller Profiles. However, they cannot read these files stored in /data/user/0/com.retroarch/autoconfig. Unlike GNU/Linux systems, Android's security model is designed to prevent non-root users from reading certain files or gaining root access. This limitation makes it impossible for users to compare the updated profiles with their custom-generated controller files, significantly impeding effective profile management and customization.


  • Create the directory /storage/emulated/0/RetroArch/autoconfig/android
  • In RetroArch, navigate to Settings -> Directory -> Controller Profiles from the default value /data/user/0/com.retroarch/autoconfig (root) to /storage/emulated/0/RetroArch/autoconfig. The Settings -> Input -> RetroPad Binds -> Port 1 Controls -> Save Controller Profile step above will now save the Android autoconfig files in /storage/emulated/0/RetroArch/autoconfig/android

Flatpak configuration


The default autoconfig directory in Flatpak RetroArch requires root access, preventing users from:
* Downloading and extracting profiles via Main Menu -> Online Updater -> Update Controller Profiles.
* Saving custom profiles through Settings -> Input -> RetroPad Binds -> Port 1 Controls -> Save Controller Profile.


To address this issue, configure RetroArch as follows:

  1. Enable Hidden File Visibility
  2. Navigate to Main Menu -> Load Content -> File Browser
  3. Enable the option Show Hidden Files and Directories

  4. Modify Controller Profiles Directory

  5. Go to Settings -> Directory -> Controller Profiles
  6. Change the directory from the default /app/share/libretro/autoconfig to /home/youruser/.var/app/org.libretro.RetroArch/config/retroarch/autoconfig.

Note: The actual path of the default directory is: /var/lib/flatpak/app/org.libretro.RetroArch/current/active/files/share/libretro/autoconfig/

By implementing these changes, you'll be able to create and save custom controller profiles without requiring root privileges.

Installing or updating joypad profiles

downloading joypad profiles

The set of joypad profiles used by RetroArch can be downloaded and updated from the menu. Go to Main Menu -> Online Updater -> Update Controller Profiles to get the latest version of the profile pack.

A message will appear at the bottom of the screen showing the download progress and the extraction of the archive.

Generating a joypad profile

If your joypad is not recognized by RetroArch even after updating the profiles, you can generate a profile from the menu.

  1. Unplug all the other joypads
  2. For Android, run the Android steps first.
  3. Use Settings -> Input -> RetroPad Binds -> Port 1 Controls -> Set All Controls.
  4. If applicable, then also set the menu button binding in Settings -> Input -> Hotkeys -> Menu Toggle
  5. Use Settings -> Input -> RetroPad Binds -> Port 1 Controls -> Save Controller Profile
  6. The new profile file (also known as the autoconfig file) will be saved to your disk: [Controller profile directory]/[Controller driver]/[Device index].cfg.
  7. For analog L2/R2 triggers (pressure-sensitive triggers) you must manually edit the autoconfig file (see the Analog L2/R2 remapping section) due to a bug in RetroArch.

Analog L2/R2 remapping

RetroArch has a bug(ref1, ref2) that causes analog L2/R2 triggers to be incorrectly mapped as digital buttons instead of analog axes when configuring controls through the UI. This affects pressure-sensitive triggers on controllers like PlayStation 2 and later, making some games unplayable due to the lack of analog input.

To work around this issue, you need to manually edit the RetroArch config file to set the correct analog axis mappings for L2 and R2. Here's how to find the proper axis values:

  • Install and run jstest avalible for GNU/Linux, and Windows.
  • In GNU/Linux: jstest /dev/input/js0
  • Slowly press L2 and R2 to identify which axis numbers change
  • Note the axis numbers that correspond to L2 and R2
  • In the autoconfig file, set:
    input_l2_axis = "+X"  (where X is the L2 axis number)
    input_r2_axis = "+Y"  (where Y is the R2 axis number) 

For example, if L2 is axis 2 and R2 is axis 5, you would set:

input_l2_axis = "+2"
input_r2_axis = "+5"

This manual configuration allows the analog triggers to work properly until the bug in RetroArch's control mapping UI is fixed.

Inspect the file

Without modifying anything in the original file, open it in the file in a text editor and
1. Make sure that you have mapped all buttons, and that none of them have duplicated values.
2. Each button should have a variable that ends with _btn, or _axis, not both. So for example, if you find both input_a_axis, and input_a_btn, it's incorrect. This may happen if your OS does not support the controller.

You can try to re-map missing buttons before you give up and save the controller once again, but please do NOT modify the variables manually if you are going to submit your profile to our joypad profile repository; We rely on automated data to debug the autoconfig files.

Try the controller

  1. If the controller support Bluetooth, make sure that that there's no Bluetooth latency.
  2. Make sure that your mapping is perfect by testing every button in the menu.
  3. Test all mappings: Load Main Menu -> Load Core -> Start Remote RetroPad. Verify pressure sensitivity of analog buttons.
  4. Try a game in a core that uses all mappings on your controller. After you have loaded the game it's possible that you have to change the native controller to your controller in Quick Menu -> Settings -> Input -> RetroPad Binds -> Port 1 Controls -> Device Index -- for example if you want to use both thumbsticks you have to change PS1 to DualShock in PlayStation cores. If it's difficult for you to find a game that uses all buttons, you can set Settings -> Input -> Hotkeys (for example Save state, Load state, Fastforward, and Rewind) for unused buttons, so you can evaluate all mappings.
  5. Use Settings -> Inputs -> Port 1 Controls -> Reset to Default Controls to clear manual bindings and rely on the new profile.
  6. Unplug your joypad an re-plug it. See if it is auto configured.

Warning "Clear manual bindings"
It is important to to skip the step of clearing manual bindings after using the Save Controller Profile command. In order to avoid issues using your profile in the future, remember to go to Settings -> Input -> RetroPad Binds -> Port 1 Controls -> Reset to Default Controls to reset the manual settings before completing this process.

If you are happy with your profile, you can submit it to RetroArch so that other users benefit:

  1. Edit the autoconfig file for your joypad manually to include the input descriptors (please see the Input descriptors section below)
  2. Submit your profile to our joypad profile repository.


If your joypad is not configured properly, you should generate a RetroArch log. Your log will show if a profile has been matched for your pad and the path of the corresponding profile.

Joypad auto-configuration file


The first part of the joypad profile is used for matching the profile with the device, as explained above. The Vendor ID and Product ID are in decimal format.

input_driver = "udev"
input_device = "Sony Interactive Entertainment DualSense Edge Wireless Controller"
input_vendor_id = "1356"
input_product_id = "3570"


The second part is the mapping itself, where each button is assigned to a button of the RetroPad (the joypad abstraction of RetroArch).

input_b_btn = "0"
input_y_btn = "2"
input_select_btn = "6"
input_start_btn = "7"
input_up_btn = "h0up"
input_down_btn = "h0down"
input_left_btn = "h0left"
input_right_btn = "h0right"
input_a_btn = "1"
input_x_btn = "3"
input_l_btn = "4"
input_r_btn = "5"
input_l2_axis = "+2"
input_r2_axis = "+5"
input_l3_btn = "9"
input_r3_btn = "10"
input_l_x_plus_axis = "+0"
input_l_x_minus_axis = "-0"
input_l_y_plus_axis = "+1"
input_l_y_minus_axis = "-1"
input_r_x_plus_axis = "+3"
input_r_x_minus_axis = "-3"
input_r_y_plus_axis = "+4"
input_r_y_minus_axis = "-4"
input_menu_toggle_btn = "8"

Axes (analog inputs)

  • Variable names ending with _axis define these (e.g., input_l_x_axis, input_r2_axis).
  • They represent analog inputs from the controller, like joystick position (e.g., left joystick X-axis, right joystick Y-axis) or trigger pressure (e.g., left trigger, right trigger).
  • Axis definitions use + and - to indicate positive or negative direction (e.g., full press vs. no press).
  • The current RetroArch configurations have axis values that ranges from 0 to 10. However, if RetroArch does not limit the values to 10, underlying controller hardware could offer an even wider range.

Buttons (digital inputs)

  • These are defined by variable names ending with _btn (e.g., input_a_btn, input_start_btn).
  • The current RetroArch configurations have button values that ranges from 0 to 203. However, if RetroArch does not limit the values to 203, underlying controller hardware could offer an even wider range.
  • RetroArch interprets these IDs (usually 1 for pressed, 0 for not pressed) to determine the button state.
D-Pad directions (special digital inputs)
  • D-pad directions use variable values beginning with h0 (e.g., input_up_btn = "h0up").
  • Four h0 variables exist (h0up, h0down, h0left, h0right) for each direction on the D-pad.
  • Note: The value h1 is used by a single controller (Nintendo_Wii_Remote_Classic_Controller.cfg).

Input descriptors

The third part are input descriptors used by RetroArch to display the labels of the buttons as they are written on your joypad. So if you are using a DualShock pad, RetroArch will refer to the buttons as Cross, Circle, Square and Triangle.

input_b_btn_label = "A"
input_y_btn_label = "X"
input_select_btn_label = "Back"
input_start_btn_label = "Start"
input_up_btn_label = "D-Pad Up"
input_down_btn_label = "D-Pad Down"
input_left_btn_label = "D-Pad Left"
input_right_btn_label = "D-Pad Right"
input_a_btn_label = "B"
input_x_btn_label = "Y"
input_l_btn_label = "LB"
input_r_btn_label = "RB"
input_l2_axis_label = "LT"
input_r2_axis_label = "RT"
input_l3_btn_label = "Left Thumb"
input_r3_btn_label = "Right Thumb"
input_l_x_plus_axis_label = "Left Analog X+ (right)"
input_l_x_minus_axis_label = "Left Analog X- (left)"
input_l_y_plus_axis_label = "Left Analog Y+ (down)"
input_l_y_minus_axis_label = "Left Analog Y- (up)"
input_r_x_plus_axis_label = "Right Analog X+ (right)"
input_r_x_minus_axis_label = "Right Analog X- (left)"
input_r_y_plus_axis_label = "Right Analog Y+ (down)"
input_r_y_minus_axis_label = "Right Analog Y- (up)"
input_menu_toggle_btn_label = "Guide"