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XMB Menu Map


  • Load Core ... / Quick Menu (Changes when a core is loaded)
  • Load Content
    • Start Directory ...
    • Downloads ...
    • Playlists
    • (Varies by platform/device)
    • File Browser (Duplicate/Shortcut to Settings > File Browser)
  • Show Desktop Menu
  • Online Updater
    • Core Downloader
    • (Availability of cores varies by platform/device)
    • Update Installed Cores
    • Playlist Thumbnails Updater
    • Content Downloader
    • Update Core Infor Files
    • Update Assets
    • Update Controller Profiles
    • Update Cheats
    • Update Databases
    • Update Overlays
    • Update (Slang/GLSL/Cg; varies by active video driver) Shaders
    • On-Demand Thumbnail Downloads
  • Information
  • Network Information
    • (Varies by device)
  • System Information
    • (Varies by device)
  • Database Manager
    • (Varies by available databases)
  • Cursor Manager
    • (Varies by available cursors)
  • Configuration File
    • Load Configuration ...
    • Reset to Defaults
    • Save Current Configuration
    • Save New Configuration
  • Help
    • Basic Menu Controls
  • Restart RetroArch
  • Quit RetroArch


  • Drivers
    • Input
    • Controller
    • Video
    • Audio
    • Audio Resampler
    • Camera
    • Location
    • Menu
    • Record
    • MIDI
  • Video
    • CRT SwitchRes
    • CRT SwitchRes
    • CRT Super Resolution
    • X-Axis Centering
    • Porch Adjust
    • Use Custom Refresh Rate
    • Output
    • Video (Duplicate/Shortcut to Settings > Driver > video)
    • Monitor Index
    • Video Rotation
    • GPU Index
    • Vertical Refresh Rate
    • Estimated Screen Refresh Rate
    • Set Display-Reported Refresh Rate
    • Fullscreen Mode
    • Start in Fullscreen Mode
    • Windowed Fullscreen Mode
    • Fullscreen Width
    • Fullscreen Height
    • Windowed Mode
    • Windowed Scale
    • Window Opacity
    • Show Window Decorations
    • Remember Window Position and Size
    • Window Width
    • Window Height
    • Scaling
    • Integer Scale
    • Aspect Ratio
    • Custom Aspect Ratio
    • Crop Overscan
    • Synchronization
    • Vertical Sync (VSync)
    • Vsync Swap Interval
    • Frame Delay
    • Max swapchain images
    • Sync to Exact Content Framerate
    • Suspend Screensaver
    • Threaded Video
    • Black Frame Insertion
    • GPU Screenshot
    • Bilinear Filtering
    • Auto-Shader Delay
    • Video Filter ...
  • Audio
    • Output
    • Audio
    • Audio (Duplicate/Shortcut to Settings > Driver > Audio)
    • Device
    • Audio Latency (ms)
    • Resampler
    • Audio Resampler
    • Resampler Quality
    • Output Rate (Hz)
    • Synchronization
    • Synchronization
    • Maximum Timing Skew
    • Dynamic Audio Rate Control
    • MIDI
    • Input
    • Output
    • Volume
    • Mixer
    • Mixer Stream #1
    • Mixer Stream #2
    • Mixer Stream #3
    • Mixer Stream #4
    • Mixer Stream #5
    • Mixer Stream #6
    • Mixer Stream #7
    • Mixer Stream #8
    • Mixer Stream #9
    • Mixer Stream #10
    • Mixer Stream #11
    • Mixer Stream #12
    • Mixer Stream #13
    • Mixer Stream #14
    • Mixer Stream #15
    • Mixer Stream #16
    • Menu Sounds
    • Mixer
    • Enable 'OK' Sound
    • Enable 'Cancel' Sound
    • Enable 'Notice' Sound
    • Enable 'BGM' Sound
    • Mute
    • Mixer Mute
    • Mute When Fast-Forwarding
    • Volume Gain (dB)
    • Mixer Volume Gain (dB)
    • DSP Plugin ...
  • Input
    • Maximum Users
    • Polling Behavior
    • Remap Controls for This Core
    • Autoconfig
    • Input Button Axis Threshold
    • Touch Scale
    • Analog Deadzone
    • Analog Sensitivity
    • Bind Timeout
    • Bind Hold
    • Disable Windows Hotkeys (Restart)
    • Auxiliary Sensor Input
    • Auto Enable 'Game Focus' Mode
    • Menu Controls
    • Unified Menu Controls
    • Menu Swap OK and Cancel Buttons
    • Menu Scroll Acceleration
    • Menu Scroll Delay
    • Hotkeys
    • Confirm Quit
    • Menu Toggle Controller Combo
    • Hotkey Enable
    • Hotkey Enable Delay (Frames)
    • Fast-Forward (Toggle)
    • Fast-Forward (Hold)
    • Slow-Motion (Toggle)
    • Slow-Motion (Hold)
    • Load State
    • Save State
    • Fullscreen (Toggle)
    • Close Content
    • Quit RetroArch
    • Save State Slot +
    • Save State Slot -
    • Rewind
    • Record Input Replay (Toggle)
    • Pause (Toggle)
    • Frameadvance
    • Reset Game
    • Next Shader
    • Previous Shader
    • Next Cheat Index
    • Previous Cheat Index
    • Cheats (Toggle)
    • Take Screenshot
    • Audio Mute (Toggle)
    • On-Screen Keyboard (Toggle)
    • Show FPS (Toggle)
    • Send Debug Info
    • Netplay Hosting (Toggle)
    • Netplay Play/Spectate Mode (Toggle)
    • Volume Up
    • Volume Down
    • Next overlay
    • Disc Eject Toggle
    • Next Disc
    • Previous Disc
    • Grab Mouse (Toggle)
    • Game Focus (Toggle)
    • Desktop Menu (Toggle)
    • Menu (Toggle)
    • Recording (Toggle)
    • Streaming (Toggle)
    • Run-Ahead (Toggle)
    • AI Service
    • Turbo Fire
    • Turbo Period
    • Turbo Duty Cycle
    • Turbo Mode
    • Turbo Default Button
    • Port 1 Controls
    • Device Type
    • Analog to Digital Type
    • Device Index
    • Mouse Index
    • Set All Controls
    • Reset to Default Controls
    • Save Controller Profile
    • (RetroPad Mapping)
    • (Gun Mapping)
    • Turbo
    • Port 2 Controls
    • (Same as Port 1)
    • Port 3 Controls
    • (Same as Port 1)
    • Port 4 Controls
    • (Same as Port 1)
    • Port 5 Controls
    • (Same as Port 1)
    • (possibly more/less based on 'Maximum Users' setting)
  • Latency
    • Max swapchain images (Duplicate/Shortcut to Settings > Video > Synchronization > Max swapchain images)
    • Frame Delay
    • Audio Latency (ms)
    • Polling Behavior
    • Run-Ahead to Reduce Latency
    • Number of Frames to Run-Ahead
    • Use Second Instance for Run-Ahead
    • Hide Run-Ahead Warnings
  • Core
    • Hardware Shared Context
    • Allow Cores to Switch the Video Driver
    • Load Dummy on Core Shutdown
    • Check for Missing Firmware before Loading
    • Allow Rotation
    • Manage Cores
  • Configuration
    • Save Configuration on Quit
    • Load Content-Specific Core Option
    • Load Override Files Automatically
    • Load Remap Files Automatically
    • Use Global Core Options File
  • Saving
    • Sort Saves into Folders by Core Name
    • Sort Save States into Folders by Core Name
    • Sort Saves into Folders by Content Directory
    • Sort Save states into Folders by Content Directory
    • Don't Overwrite SaveRAM on Loading Save State
    • SaveRAM Autosave Interval
    • Increment Save State Index Automatically
    • Auto Save State
    • Load State Automatically
    • Save State Thumbnails
    • SaveRAM Compression
    • Save State Compression
    • Sort Screenshots into Folders by Content Directory
    • Write Saves to Content Directory
    • Write Save States to Content Directory
    • System Files are in Content Directory
    • Write Screenshots to Content Directory
    • Save Runtime Log (Per Core)
    • Save Runtime Log (Aggregate)
  • Logging
    • Logging Verbosity
    • Frontend Logging Level
    • Core Logging Level
    • Log to File
    • Performance Counters
  • File Browser
    • Show Hidden Files and Directories
    • Filter Unknown Extensions
    • Use Built-In Media Player
    • Use Built-In Image Viewer
    • Filter by Current Core
    • Remember Last Used Start Directory
  • Frame Throttle
    • Rewind
    • Rewind Support
    • Rewind Frames
    • Rewind Buffer Size (MB)
    • Rewind Buffer Size Step (MB)
    • Frame Time Counter
    • Estimated Screen Refresh Rate
    • Reset after Fast-Forward
    • Reset after Load State
    • Reset after Save State
    • Fast-Forward Rate
    • Slow-Motion Rate
    • Sync to Exact Content Framerate (Duplicate/Shortcut to Settings > Video > Synchronization > Sync to Exact Content Framerate)
    • Throttle Menu Framerate
  • Recording
    • Recording Quality
    • Custom recording Configuration ...
    • Recording Threads
    • Use Post Filter Recording
    • Use GPU Recording
    • Streaming Mode
    • Streaming Quality
    • Custom Streaming Configuration
    • Stream Title
    • Stream URL
    • UDP Stream Port
  • On-Screen Display
    • On-Screen Overlay
    • Display Overlay
    • Hide Overlay in Menu
    • Hide Overlay When Controller is Connected
    • Show Inputs on Overlay
    • Show Mouse Cursor With Overlay
    • Auto-Rotate Overlay
    • Auto-Scale Overlay
    • Overlay Preset ...
    • Overlay Opacity
    • (Landscape) Overlay Scale
    • (Landscape) Overlay Aspect Adjustment
    • (Landscape) Overlay Horizontal Separation
    • (Landscape) Overlay Vertical Separation
    • (Landscape) Overlay X Offset
    • (Landscape) Overlay Y Offset
    • (Portrait) Overlay Scale
    • (Portrait) Overlay Aspect Adjustment
    • (Portrait) Overlay Horizontal Separation
    • (Portrait) Overlay Vertical Separation
    • (Portrait) Overlay X Offset
    • (Portrait) Overlay Y Offset
    • Video Layout
    • Enable Video Layout
    • Video Layout Path ...
    • Selected View
    • On-Screen Notification
    • Notification Visibility
      • Display Framerate
      • Display Frame Count
      • Display Statistics
      • Display Memory Usage
      • "Load Content" Startup Notification
      • Input (Autoconfig) Connection Notification
      • Cheat Code Notifications
      • Input Remap Loaded Notifications
      • Config Override Loaded Notifications
      • Initial Disc Restored Notifications
      • Fast-Forward Notifications
      • Screenshot Notifications
      • Screenshot Notification Persistence
      • Screenshot Flash Effect
      • Refresh Rate Notifications
    • On-Screen Notifications
    • Graphics Widgets
    • Scale Graphics Widgets Automatically
    • Notification Font ...
    • Notification Size
  • User Interface
    • Menu Item Visibility
    • Quick Menu
      • Show 'Resume'
      • Show 'Restart'
      • Show 'Close Content'
      • Show 'Take Screenshot'
      • Show 'Save/Load State'
      • Show 'Undo Save/Load State'
      • Show 'Add to Favorites'
      • Show 'Start Recording'
      • Show 'Start Streaming'
      • Show 'Set Core Association'
      • Show 'Reset Core Association'
      • Show 'Options'
      • Show 'Controls'
      • Show 'Cheats'
      • Show 'Shaders'
      • Show 'Rewind'
      • Show 'Latency'
      • Show 'On-Screen Overlay
      • Show 'Video Layout
      • Show 'Save Core Overrides'
      • Show 'Save Game Overrides'
      • Show 'Information'
      • Show 'Download Thumbnails'
    • Settings
      • Show 'Drivers'
      • Show 'Video'
      • Show 'Audio'
      • Show 'Input'
      • Show 'Latency'
      • Show 'Core'
      • Show 'Configuration'
      • Show 'Saving'
      • Show 'Logging'
      • Show 'File Browser'
      • Show 'Recording'
      • Show 'On-Screen Display'
      • Show 'User Interface'
      • Show 'AI Service'
      • Show 'Accessibility'
      • Show 'Power Management'
      • Show 'Achievements'
      • Show 'Network'
      • Show 'Playlists'
      • Show 'User'
      • Show 'Directory'
    • Show 'Load Core'
    • Show 'Load Content'
    • Show 'Load Disc'
    • Show 'Dump Disc'
    • Show 'Online Updater'
    • Show 'Core Downloader'
    • Show Legacy 'Thumbnails Updater'
    • Show 'Information'
    • Show 'Configuration File'
    • Show 'Help'
    • Show 'Quit RetroArch'
    • Show 'Restart RetroArch'
    • Show 'Settings'
    • Set Password for Enabling 'Settings'
    • Show 'Explore'
    • Show 'Favorites'
    • Show 'Images'
    • Show 'Music'
    • Show 'Videos'
    • Show 'Netplay'
    • Show 'History'
    • Show 'Import Content'
    • Show 'Playlists'
    • Show Date and Time
    • Style of Date and Time
    • Date Separator
    • Show Battery Level
    • Show Core Name
    • Show Menu Sub-Labels
    • Display Start Screens
    • Appearance
    • Menu Scale Factor
    • Background Image ...
    • Dynamic Background
    • Background Opacity
    • Framebuffer Opacity
    • Horizontal Animation
    • Animation Horizontal Icon Highlight
    • Animation Move Up/Down
    • Animation Main Menu Opens/Closes
    • Menu Alpha Factor
    • Menu Font ...
    • Menu Font Color (Red)
    • Menu Font Color (Green)
    • Menu Font Color (Blue)
    • Menu Layout
    • Menu Icon Theme
    • Icon Shadows
    • Menu Shader Pipeline
    • Menu Color Theme
    • Thumbnails
    • Left Thumbnail
    • Thumbnails Vertical Disposition
    • Thumbnail Scale Factor
    • Thumbnail Upscaling Threshold
    • Ticker Text Animation
    • Ticker Text Speed
    • Smooth Ticker Text
    • Menu (Duplication/Shortcut to Settings > Driver > Menu)
    • Show Advanced Settings
    • Kiosk Mode
    • Navigation Wrap-Around
    • Pause Content When Menu is Active
    • Pause Content When Not Active
    • Resume Content after Using Save States
    • Resume Content after Changing Discs
    • Quit on Close Content
    • Menu Screensaver Timeout
    • Mouse Support
    • Touch Support
    • Threaded Tasks
    • UI Companion
    • Start UI Companion on Boot
    • Menu Bar
    • Desktop Menu (Restart Required)
    • Open Desktop Menu on Startup
    • Disable Desktop Composition
  • AI Service
    • AI Service Enabled
    • AI Service Output
    • AI Service URL
    • Pause During Translation
    • Source Language
    • Target Language
  • Accessibility
    • Accessibility Enable
    • Text-to-Speech Speed
  • Power Management
    • (Only available on certain devices)
  • Achievements
    • Achievements
    • Username
    • Password
    • Hardcore Mode
    • Leaderboards
    • Rich Presence
    • Achievement Badges
    • Test Unofficial Achievements
    • Unlock Sound
    • Verbose Mode
    • Automatic Screenshot
    • Start Active
  • Network
    • Publicly Announce Netplay
    • Use Relay Server
    • Server Address
    • Netplay TCP Port
    • Server Password
    • Server Spectate-Only Password
    • Netplay Spectator Mode
    • Allow Slave-Mode Clients
    • Disallow Non-Slave-Mode Clients
    • Netplay Stateless Mode
    • Netplay Check Frames
    • Input Latency Frames
    • Input Latency Frames Range
    • Netplay NAT Traversal
    • Digital Input Sharing
    • Analog Input Sharing
    • Request Device 1
    • Request Device 2
    • Request Device 3
    • Request Device 4
    • Request Device 5
    • Request Device 6
    • Request Device 7
    • Request Device 8
    • Request Device 9
    • Request Device 10
    • Request Device 11
    • Request Device 12
    • Request Device 13
    • Request Device 14
    • Request Device 15
    • Request Device 16
    • Network Commands
    • Network RetroPad
    • Network RetroPad Base Port
    • User 1 Network RetroPad
    • User 2 Network RetroPad
    • User 3 Network RetroPad
    • User 4 Network RetroPad
    • User 5 Network RetroPad
    • stdin Commands
    • On-Demand Thumbnail Downloads
    • Updater
    • Buildbot Cores URL
    • Buildbot Assets URL
    • Automatically Extract Downloaded Archive
    • Show Experimental Cores
    • Backup Cores When Updating
    • Core Backup History Size
  • Playlists
    • History
    • History Size
    • Favorites Size
    • Allow to Rename Entries
    • Allow to Remove Entries
    • Sort Playlists Alphabetically
    • Save Playlists Using Old Format
    • Compress Playlists
    • Show Associated Cores in Playlists
    • Show Playlist Sub-Labels
    • Playlist Sub-Label Runtime
    • 'Last Played' Date and Time Style
    • Fuzzy Archive Matching
    • Scan Without Core Match
    • Save Runtime Log (Per Core)
    • Save Runtime Log (Aggregate)
    • Portable Playlists
    • Manage Playlists
    • (Varies by user's playlists)
  • User
    • Privacy
    • (Varies by device)
    • Accounts
    • RetroAchievements
      • Username
      • Password
    • YouTube
      • YouTube Stream Key
    • Twitch
      • Twitch Stream Key
    • Facebook Gaming
      • Facebook Gaming Stream Key
    • Username
    • Language
  • Directory
    • System/BIOS
    • Downloads
    • Assets
    • Dynamic Backgrounds
    • Thumbnails
    • File Browser
    • Configs
    • Cores
    • Core Info
    • Databases
    • Cursor
    • Cheat Files
    • Video Filters
    • Audio Filters
    • Video Shaders
    • Recordings
    • Recording Configs
    • Overlays
    • Video Layouts
    • Screenshots
    • Input Autoconfig
    • Input Remaps
    • Playlists
    • Favorites Playlist
    • History Playlist
    • Images Playlist
    • Music Playlist
    • Videos Playlist
    • Runtime Logs
    • Save Files
    • Save States
    • Cache
    • System Event Logs






Any Additional User-Created Playlists Appear Here


  • Host
  • Connect to Netplay Host
  • Network (Duplicate/Shortcut to Settings > Network)
  • Refresh Netplay Host List

Import Content

  • Scan Directory
  • Scan File
  • Manual Scan
    • Content Directory
    • System Name
    • Custom System Name
    • Default Core
    • File Extensions
    • Scan Recursively
    • Scan Inside Archives
    • Arcade DAT File
    • Arcade DAT Filter
    • Overwrite Existing Playlist
    • Start Scan


  • Search Name ...
  • Show All

Quick Menu

  • Resume
  • Restart
  • Close Content
  • Take Screenshot
  • State Slot
  • Save State
  • Load State
  • Undo Load State
  • Undo Save State
  • Add to Favorites
  • Start Recording
  • Start Streaming
  • Options
    • (Varies by core)
  • On-Screen Overlay (Duplicate/Shortcut to Settings > On-Screen Display > On-Screen Overlay)
  • Rewind (Duplicate/Shortcut to Settings > Frame Throttle > Rewind)
  • Latency (Duplicate/Shortcut to Settings > Latency)
  • Controls
    • Load Remap File ...
    • Save Core Remap File
    • Save Content Directory Remap File
    • Save Game Remap File
    • Turbo Fire (Duplicate/Shortcut to Settings > Input > Turbo Fire)
    • Port 1 Controls
    • Device Type
    • Analog to Digital Type
    • (RetroPad to Core functions; varies by core)
    • Port 2 Controls
    • (Same as Port 1 Controls)
    • Port 3 Controls
    • (Same as Port 1 Controls)
    • Port 4 Controls
    • (Same as Port 1 Controls)
    • Port 5 Controls
    • (Same as Port 1 Controls)
    • (More or Fewer Ports based on Settings > Input > Maximum Users)
  • Cheats
    • Start or Continue Cheat Search
    • Load Cheat File (Replace) ...
    • Load Cheat File (Append) ...
    • Reload Game Specific Cheats
    • Save Cheat File As ...
    • Add New Cheat to Top
    • Add New Cheat to Bottom
    • Delete All Cheats
    • Auto-Apply Cheats During Game Load
    • Apply After Toggle
    • Apply Changes
  • Shaders
    • Video Shaders
    • Watch Shader Files for Changes
    • Remember Last Used Shader Directory
    • Load ...
    • Save
    • Simple Presets
    • Save Shader Preset As ...
    • Save Global Preset
    • Save Core Preset
    • Save Content Directory Preset
    • Save Game Preset
    • Remove
    • Apply Changes
    • Shader Parameters
    • (Varies by active shader preset)
    • Shader Passes
    • (Varies by active shader preset)
  • Overrides
    • Save Core Overrides
    • Save Content Directory Overrides
    • Save Game Overrides
  • Information
    • Name
    • File Path
    • Core
    • Runtime
    • Last Played
  • Download Thumbnails