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Quick informations

What is the latest version of RetroArch

It is 1.19.1. You can find it here here.

Which platforms is RetroArch available for?

RetroArch runs and is supported on GNU/Linux, BSD, Windows, Mac OSX (PPC/Intel), Haiku, PlayStation Classic, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Playstation Vita, Playstation Portable, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Raspberry Pi, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo 3DS & 2DS Family, Nintendo Switch, Steam Link, Android, iOS, Open Pandora, Blackberry and even on web browsers by using the Emscripten compiler.

What is the license for this?

libretro is released under the MIT license. RetroArch is released under the GNU GPLv3. The cores are usually released with the same license as the originating projects.

Gameplay videos

We regularly post videos on our second channel to show the performance of RetroArch running on devices. This may differ from device to device as well as be effective in versions. We try to highlight this in the video descriptions and the cards shown in the video. On the cards in the video, the year the content was released, the core used in the content, the video driver, etc. you can see such informations. Below are the types of devices and their distinctive features.

  • First release serie(November 10, 2020).
  • Always latest OFW(Non-insider).
  • Self publish and dev mode.
  • Latest RetroArch version.
  • First release serie(August 2, 2016).
  • Always latest OFW(Non-insider).
  • Self publish instead dev mode.
  • Latest RetroArch version.

Neither RetroArch nor LibRetro recommend hacking the device or use CFW.

  • First release serie(March 3, 2017).
  • OFW and CFW isn't latest.
  • Title takeover instead applet mode.
  • Nightly RetroArch version.
  • SDCARD isn't formatted as exFAT.

Neither RetroArch nor LibRetro recommend hacking the device or use CFW.

  • SNES edition release (November 27, 2017).
  • OFW and CFW is latest.
  • CIA installation.
  • Latest stable RetroArch version and cores.
  • FireTV Stick 4K
  • Release version October 31, 2018.
  • Latest OFW.
  • Store version instead sideload.

Neither RetroArch nor LibRetro recommend hacking the device or use CFW.

  • First release version (November 19, 2006).
  • OFW and CFW is latest.
  • Latest stable RetroArch version and cores.
  • MicroSD
  • First release version (November 10, 2015).
  • Steam Link HW version instead phone application.
  • Always BETA OFW.
  • RetroArch 1.8.7 and Cores from 2018/2019 commits
  • Internal storage

Neither RetroArch nor LibRetro recommend hacking the device or use CFW.

  • First release version (February 22, 2012).
  • OLED version.
  • OFW and CFW is latest.
  • Latest stable RetroArch version and cores.
  • Windows 11 with latest updates.
  • Hardware
    • CPU: Ryzen 7 1800x
    • GPU: Zotac GTX 1080
    • Memory: 32GB 2933Mhz
    • Monitor: 144hz 1ms
  • Portable version.
  • Latest stable RetroArch version and cores.
  • Retroarch on SSD and contents are located in NVME.
  • Game Bar: Off
  • Game DVR: Off
  • Game DVR Background Recording: Off
  • Game Mode: On
  • Hardware GPU Scheduler: On
  • POP!_OS 21.04 Nvidia.
  • Hardware
    • CPU: Ryzen 7 1800x
    • GPU: Zotac GTX 1080
    • Memory: 32GB 2933Mhz
  • Flatpak version.
  • Latest stable RetroArch version and cores.
  • Retroarch on HDD and contents are located in HDD.
  • Windows 10.
  • HP EliteBook 840 G7
  • Portable version.
  • Latest stable RetroArch version and cores.
  • Retroarch on SSD and contents are located in SSD.
  • Lakka.
  • 4GB version.
  • Latest stable RetroArch version and cores.
  • FAT32 microsd.

We provide these details for information purposes only and we cannot guarantee that they will perform as well. You can find full list in here.


We use Razer Ripsaw for video transmission and stable version of OBS for video recording. Sometimes we use original parts, and sometimes we use fastest HDMI possible. Here is you can find recording settings:

Rate Control CBR
Bitrate 16000 Kbps
Keyframe Interval 2
Preset Max Quality
Profile High
Look-ahead and Psycho VT :material-check:
Max B-frames 2
    video settings reset:
       base resolution:   1920x1080
       output resolution: 1920x1080
       downscale filter:  Lanczos
       fps:               60/1
       format:            NV12
       YUV mode:          709/Full
    NV12 texture support enabled

   audio settings reset:
    samples per sec: 48000


We use Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 to edit videos and Media Encoder CC 2019 to render. You can see our render settings below.

 Video: 2720x1530 (1,0), 60 fps, Progressive, Software Encoding
 Audio: AAC, 320 kbps, 48 kHz, Stereo
 Bitrate: VBR, 1 pass, Target 40,00 Mbps, Max 40,00 Mbps