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Nintendo - SNES / Famicom (Snes9x)


Port of upstream mainline up-to-date Snes9x, a portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator to libretro.

The Snes9x core has been authored by

  • Snes9x Team

The Snes9x core is licensed under

A summary of the licenses behind RetroArch and its cores can be found here.


  • Most up-to-date libretro Snes9x core available.
  • Highly accurate SNES emulation.
  • Simplified and easily accessible MSU-1 expansion chip support.
  • Recommended for netplay


Required or optional firmware files go in the frontend's system directory.

Filename Description md5sum
BS-X.bin BS-X - Sore wa Namae o Nusumareta Machi no Monogatari (Japan) (Rev 1) - Optional fed4d8242cfbed61343d53d48432aced
STBIOS.bin Sufami Turbo (Japan) - Optional d3a44ba7d42a74d3ac58cb9c14c6a5ca


Content that can be loaded by the Snes9x core have the following file extensions:

  • .smc
  • .sfc
  • .swc
  • .fig
  • .bs
  • .st

RetroArch database(s) that are associated with the Snes9x core:


Frontend-level settings or features that the Snes9x core respects.

Feature Supported
Core Options
RetroArch Cheats
Native Cheats
Disk Control
Crop Overscan


The Snes9x core's library name is 'Snes9x'

The Snes9x core saves/loads to/from these directories.

Frontend's Save directory

File Description
*.srm Cartridge battery save

Frontend's State directory

File Description
*.state# State

Geometry and timing

  • The Snes9x core's core provided FPS is 60.0988118623 for NTSC games and 50.0069789082 for PAL games.
  • The Snes9x core's core provided sample rate is 32040 Hz
  • The Snes9x core's base width is 256
  • The Snes9x core's base height is 224 when the Crop Overscan core option is set to enabled. 239 when it's set to disabled.
  • The Snes9x core's max width is 512
  • The Snes9x core's max height is 478
  • The Snes9x core's core provided aspect ratio is dependent on the 'Preferred aspect ratio' core option.

MSU-1 support

MSU-1 support in the Snes9x core follows the SD2SNES.mdSnes9x naming format, i.e.


Loading a manifest.bml file or having a xml file isn't necessary. Just load gamename.sfc.

Here's an example of a working MSU-1 setup done with Secret of Mana MSU-1. Please note that som_msu1.sfc is being softpatched in this example.

BS-X and Sufami Turbo

In order to load BS-X and Sufami Turbo games, you'll need BS-X.bin and STBIOS.bin in the frontend's system directory.

To load multi-cart games specifically, a more complex procedure needs to be followed.

  • First, load the base game first by using the "Load Content" option in RetroArch's Main Menu.
  • Second, go back to RetroArch's Main Menu and select the "Load Multi-Cart Link" option.
  • Third, load the base game while in the "Load Multi-Cart Link" screen.
  • Fourth, go back to RetroArch's Main Menu and select the "Load Multi-Cart Link" option.
  • Fifth, load the add-on game while in the "Load Multi-Cart Link" screen.
  • Sixth, go back to RetroArch's Main Menu for the final time and select the "Start Multi-Cart Link" option.

Please note that for multi-cart Sufami Turbo games, you must first run each game individually to create sram files for them. Then the multi-link will function correctly.

Core options

The Snes9x core has the following option(s) that can be tweaked from the core options menu. The default setting is bolded.

Settings with (Restart) means that core has to be closed for the new setting to be applied on next launch.

  • Allow Opposing Directions [snes9x_up_down_allowed] (disabled|enabled)

    Enabling this will allow pressing / quickly alternating / holding both left and right (or up and down in some games) directions at the same time.

    This may cause movement based glitches to occur in certain games.

    It's best to keep this core option disabled.

  • SuperFX Frequency [snes9x_overclock] (50% to 500%. 100% is default.)

    Overclock the SuperFX chip.

    Example video here

  • Reduce Slowdown (Hack, Unsafe) [snes9x_overclock_cycles] (disabled|light|compatible|max)

    Many games for the SNES suffered from slowdown due to the weak main CPU. This option helps allievate that at the cost of possible bugs.

    Example video here

    light: Slightly reduces slowdown, more compatible than the "compatible" option.

    compatible: Reduce slowdown but keep as much game compatibility as much as possible.

    max: Reduce slowdown as much as possible but will break more games.

  • Reduce Flickering (Hack, Unsafe) [snes9x_reduce_sprite_flicker] (disabled|enabled)

    Raises sprite limit to reduce flickering in games.

  • Randomize Memory (Unsafe) [snes9x_randomize_memory] (disabled|enabled)

    Randomizes the system RAM upon startup.

    Some games such as Super Off Road use system RAM as a random number generator for item placement and AI behavior to make gameplay more unpredictable.

    It's best to keep this core option disabled.

  • Hires Blending [snes9x_hires_blend] (disabled|merge|blur)

    Awaiting description.

  • Audio Interpolation [snes9x_audio_interpolation] (gaussian|cubic|sinc|none|linear)

    Awaiting description.

  • Blargg NTSC filter [snes9x_blargg] (disabled|monochrome|rf|composite|s-video|rgb)


  • Show layer 1 [snes9x_layer_1] (enabled|disabled)

    Show graphical layer 1.

    It's best to keep this core option enabled.

  • Show layer 2 [snes9x_layer_2] (enabled|disabled)

    Show graphical layer 2.

    It's best to keep this core option enabled.

  • Show layer 3 [snes9x_layer_3] (enabled|disabled)

    Show graphical layer 3.

    It's best to keep this core option enabled.

  • Show layer 4 [snes9x_layer_4] (enabled|disabled)

    Show graphical layer 4.

    It's best to keep this core option enabled.

  • Show sprite layer [snes9x_layer_5] (enabled|disabled)

    Show sprite layer.

    It's best to keep this core option enabled.

  • Enable graphic clip windows [snes9x_gfx_clip] (enabled|disabled)

    Show graphic clip windows.

    It's best to keep this core option enabled.

  • Enable transparency effects [snes9x_gfx_transp] (enabled|disabled)

    Show transparency effects.

    It's best to keep this core option enabled.

  • Enable hires mode [snes9x_gfx_hires] (enabled|disabled)

    Enable hires mode.

    It's best to keep this core option enabled.

  • Enable sound channel 1 [snes9x_sndchan_1] (enabled|disabled)

    Enabled sound channel 1.

    It's best to keep this core option enabled.

  • Enable sound channel 2 [snes9x_sndchan_2] (enabled|disabled)

    Enabled sound channel 2.

    It's best to keep this core option enabled.

  • Enable sound channel 3 [snes9x_sndchan_3] (enabled|disabled)

    Enabled sound channel 3.

    It's best to keep this core option enabled.

  • Enable sound channel 4 [snes9x_sndchan_4] (enabled|disabled)

    Enabled sound channel 4.

    It's best to keep this core option enabled.

  • Enable sound channel 5 [snes9x_sndchan_5] (enabled|disabled)

    Enabled sound channel 5.

    It's best to keep this core option enabled.

  • Enable sound channel 6 [snes9x_sndchan_6] (enabled|disabled)

    Enabled sound channel 6.

    It's best to keep this core option enabled.

  • Enable sound channel 7 [snes9x_sndchan_7] (enabled|disabled)

    Enabled sound channel 7.

    It's best to keep this core option enabled.

  • Enable sound channel 8 [snes9x_sndchan_8] (enabled|disabled)

    Enabled sound channel 8.

    It's best to keep this core option enabled.

  • Crop overscan [snes9x_overscan] (enabled|disabled|auto)

    Crop out the potentially random glitchy video output that would have been hidden by the bezel around the edge of a standard-definition television screen.

Crop overscan - On

Crop overscan - Off

  • Preferred aspect ratio [snes9x_aspect] (4:3|uncorrected|auto|ntsc|pal)

    Choose the preferred aspect ratio. RetroArch's aspect ratio must be set to Core provided in the Video settings.

Preferred aspect ratio - ntsc

Preferred aspect ratio - pal

Preferred aspect ratio - 4:3

  • Console region (Reload core) [snes9x_region] (auto|ntsc|pal)

    Select what region the system is from.

  • Super Scope crosshair [snes9x_superscope_crosshair] (0 to 16 in increments of 1. 2 is default.)

    Configure the crosshair size for the "SuperScope" device type.

  • Super Scope color [snes9x_superscope_color] (White|White (blend)|Red|Red (blend)|Orange|Orange (blend)|Yellow|Yellow (blend)|Green|Green (blend)|Cyan|Cyan (blend)|Sky|Sky (blend)|Blue|Blue (blend)|Violet|Violet (blend)|Pink|Pink (blend)|Purple|Purple (blend)|Black|Black (blend)|25% Grey|25% Grey (blend)|50% Grey|50% Grey (blend)|75% Grey|75% Grey (blend))

    Configure the crosshair color for the "SuperScope" device type.

  • Justifier 1 crosshair [snes9x_justifier1_crosshair] (0 to 16 in increments of 1. 4 is default.)

    Configure the crosshair size for the "Justifier" device type.

  • Justifier 1 color [snes9x_justifier1_color] (Blue|Blue (blend)|Violet|Violet (blend)|Pink|Pink (blend)|Purple|Purple (blend)|Black|Black (blend)|25% Grey|25% Grey (blend)|50% Grey|50% Grey (blend)|75% Grey|75% Grey (blend)|White|White (blend)|Red|Red (blend)|Orange|Orange (blend)|Yellow|Yellow (blend)|Green|Green (blend)|Cyan|Cyan (blend)|Sky|Sky (blend))

    Configure the crosshair color for the "Justifier" device type.

  • Justifier 2 crosshair [snes9x_justifier2_crosshair] (0 to 16 in increments of 1. 4 is default.)

    Configure the crosshair size for the "Justifier (2P)" device type.

  • Justifier 2 color [snes9x_justifier2_color] (Pink|Pink (blend)|Purple|Purple (blend)|Black|Black (blend)|25% Grey|25% Grey (blend)|50% Grey|50% Grey (blend)|75% Grey|75% Grey (blend)|White|White (blend)|Red|Red (blend)|Orange|Orange (blend)|Yellow|Yellow (blend)|Green|Green (blend)|Cyan|Cyan (blend)|Sky|Sky (blend)|Blue|Blue (blend)|Violet|Violet (blend))

    Configure the crosshair color for the "Justifier (2P)" device type.

  • M.A.C.S. rifle crosshair [snes9x_rifle_crosshair] (0 to 16 in increments of 1. 2 is default.)

    Configure the crosshair size for the "M.A.C.S. Rifle" device type.

  • M.A.C.S. rifle color [snes9x_rifle_color] (White|White (blend)|Red|Red (blend)|Orange|Orange (blend)|Yellow|Yellow (blend)|Green|Green (blend)|Cyan|Cyan (blend)|Sky|Sky (blend)|Blue|Blue (blend)|Violet|Violet (blend)|Pink|Pink (blend)|Purple|Purple (blend)|Black|Black (blend)|25% Grey|25% Grey (blend)|50% Grey|50% Grey (blend)|75% Grey|75% Grey (blend))

    Configure the crosshair color for the "M.A.C.S. Rifle" device type.

  • Block Invalid VRAM Access [snes9x_block_invalid_vram_access] (enabled|disabled)

    Awaiting description.

  • Echo Buffer Hack (Unsafe, only enable for old addmusic hacks) [snes9x_echo_buffer_hack] (disabled|enabled)

    Awaiting description.

User 1 device types

The Snes9x core supports the following device type(s) in the controls menu, bolded device types are the default for the specified user(s):

  • None - Doesn't disable input.
  • SNES Joypad - Joypad
  • SNES Mouse - Mouse
  • Multitap - Joypad - Allows for up to five players to play together in multitap games.

User 2 device types

User 3 device types

User 4 - 8 device types


Activating multitap support in compatible games can be configured by switching to the 'Multitap' device type for the corresponding users.


RetroPad Inputs User 1 - 5 input descriptors
D-Pad Up
D-Pad Down
D-Pad Left
D-Pad Right


RetroMouse Inputs SNES Mouse
Mouse Cursor SNES Mouse Cursor
Mouse 1 SNES Mouse Left Button
Mouse 2 SNES Mouse Right Button


RetroLightgun Inputs SuperScope Justifier M.A.C.S. Rifle
Gun Crosshair SuperScope Crosshair Justifier Crosshair M.A.C.S. Rifle Crosshair
Gun Trigger SuperScope Trigger Justifier Trigger M.A.C.S. Rifle Trigger
Gun Aux A SuperScope Cursor
Gun Aux B SuperScope Turbo Justifier Offscreen
Gun Start SuperScope Pause Justifier Start


Game Issue
A.S.P. Air Strike Patrol The shadow below the aircraft is missing. Glitched graphics on the briefing screens.
BS-Zelda MottZilla Patch Only shows a black screen.
Doom Colored dots appear during gameplay.
Funaki Masakatsu Hybrid Wrestler – Tougi Denshou Corrupted graphics on the Pancrase logo screen.
Hayazashi Nidan Morita Shougi 2 Matches won’t start.
Mecarobot Golf The ground "wobbles" during gameplay.
Secret of Evermore (PAL versions) Randomly freezes when the background music changes.