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[Background info]

  • // Add [Background] info for the core here, use google for background info

The [Core name] core has been authored by:

The [Core name] core is licensed under:

A summary of the licenses behind RetroArch and its cores can be found here.



  • // Add [Requirements] such as hardware or software requirements for the core here

How to start the [Core name] core:

  • // This section is for cores that need to be started in a special way

  • /// Use this example section for cores that need files from RetroArch's Content Downloader

  • To start the [Core name] core, you need to obtain [Core name]'s data files. You can do this by going to RetroArch's main menu screen and selecting 'Online Updater'. From there, select 'Content Downloader'.

  • // Fill in the [Core name]

  • Select '[Content directory name]', then select '[Game filename]'. This should download and extract this file to RetroArch's Downloads directory.

  • // Fill in the [Content directory name] and the [Game filename]

  • Go back to RetroArch's main menu screen. Select 'Load Content', then 'Downloads'.

  • Select the '[Content directory name]' directory, then select '[Game filename]'.

  • // Fill in the [Content directory name] and the [Game filename]

  • If you are asked which core to select, choose '[Title]'.

  • // Fill in the [Title]

The content should now start running!

  • /// Use this example section for cores that don't need content to be started

  • To start the [Core name] core, go to RetroArch's main menu screen. Select 'Load Core', then '[Core name]'.

  • // Fill in the [Core name]

  • Now, select 'Start Core'.

The content should now start running!


Required or optional firmware files go in the frontend's system directory:

Filename Description md5sum
bios_filename.bin Description - Optional/Required


Content that can be loaded by the [Core name] core have the following file extensions:

  • // Fill in the [Core name]

  • .[extension]

// Copy the exntension entry from the core info file and paste it here.
// Also look at the core's libretro.c/libretro.cpp file, sometimes the core info files can get out of sync

RetroArch database(s) that are associated with the [Core name] core:


Frontend-level settings or features that the [Core name] core respects:

  • // Fill in the [Core name]
  • // Use ✔ or ✕
  • // Leave it as - if unsure
Feature Supported
Restart -
Saves -
States -
Rewind -
Netplay -
Core Options -
RetroAchievements -
RetroArch Cheats -
Native Cheats -
Controls -
Remapping -
Multi-Mouse -
Rumble -
Sensors -
Camera -
Location -
Subsystem -
Softpatching -
Disk Control -
Username -
Language -
Crop Overscan -
LEDs -


  • // This section is a list of files and/or directories the core creates in certain directories

The [Core name] core's library name is '[Library name]'

  • //Add [Core name] and the [Library name]. Check libretro.c/.cpp for [Library name]

The [Core name] core saves/loads to/from these directories.

// Fill in the [Core name]

  • // Add a list of directories/files the core uses
  • // The Home, Appdata directories sections are rarely used, they're only for cores that don't follow the libretro API 100%

Frontend's Home directory

File Description
filename.bin Description

Frontend's Save directory

File Description
filename.bin Description

Frontend's State directory

File Description
filename.bin Description

Frontend's System directory

File Description
filename.bin Description

Loaded content's directory

File Description
filename.bin Description

Appdata directory

File Description
filename.bin Description

Geometry and timing

// Add [Core name], [FPS], [Sample rate], [Base width], [Base height], [Max width], [Max height], [Aspect ratio]

  • The [Core name] core's core provided FPS is [FPS]
  • The [Core name] core's core provided sample rate is [Sample rate]
  • The [Core name] core's base width is [Base width]
  • The [Core name] core's base height is [Base height]
  • The [Core name] core's max width is [Max width]
  • The [Core name] core's max height is [Max height]
  • The [Core name] core's core provided aspect ratio is [Aspect ratio]


// Explain how to use the core if further explaination is needed

Core options

The [Core name] core has the following option(s) that can be tweaked from the core options menu. The default setting is bolded.

// Fill in the [Core name]

Settings with (Restart) means that core has to be closed for the new setting to be applied on next launch.

// Fill in core options.
// Add core option screenshots if needed.

  • Core Option [option-string] (Setting1|Setting2)

    Awaiting description.

Core Option - Setting

User # - # device types

The [Core name] core supports the following device type(s) in the controls menu, bolded device types are the default for the specified user(s):

// Add [Core name] and device types
/// Possible device types
/// Gamepad
/// Analog
/// Keyboard
/// Mouse
/// Lightgun
/// Pointer

  • None - Optional description.
  • (Device name) - (Device type) - Optional description.

Other devices

// This section is for cores that have devices that cannot be manually selected

  • (Device name) - (Device type) - Optional description.


  • // This section is for cores that have rumble support
  • // Explain how to activate rumble

Rumble only works in the [Core name] core when

  • // Fill in the [Core name]

  • The content being ran has rumble support.

  • The frontend being used has rumble support.
  • The controller device being used has rumble support.


  • // This section for cores that have an option to activate mutlitap in supported games
  • // Explain how to activate multitap


  • // Add RetroPad inputs, please note the third column is only used when an input doesn't have a descriptor
RetroPad Inputs User # input descriptors (Device name) Inputs
Action 1 -
Action 2 -
Action 3 -
Action 4 -
Action 5 -
Action 6 -
Action 7 -
Action 8 -
Action 9 -
Action 10 -
Action 11 -
Action 12 -
Action 13 -
Action 14 -
Action 15 -
Action 16 -
X Action 17 -
Y Action 18 -
X Action 19 -
Y Action 20 -


  • // Add keyboard inputs
RetroKeyboard Inputs (Device name) Inputs
Keyboard Backspace -
Keyboard Tab -
Keyboard Clear -
Keyboard Return -
Keyboard Pause -
Keyboard Escape -
Keyboard Space -
Keyboard Exclaim ! -
Keyboard Double Quote " -
Keyboard Hash # -
Keyboard Dollar $ -
Keyboard Ampersand & -
Keyboard Quote ' -
Keyboard Left Parenthesis ( -
Keyboard Right Parenthesis ) -
Keyboard Asterisk * -
Keyboard Plus + -
Keyboard Comma , -
Keyboard Minus - -
Keyboard Period . -
Keyboard Slash / -
Keyboard 0 -
Keyboard 1 -
Keyboard 2 -
Keyboard 3 -
Keyboard 4 -
Keyboard 5 -
Keyboard 6 -
Keyboard 7 -
Keyboard 8 -
Keyboard 9 -
Keyboard Colon : -
Keyboard Semicolon ; -
Keyboard Less than < -
Keyboard Equals = -
Keyboard Greater than > -
Keyboard Question ? -
Keyboard At @ -
Keyboard Left Bracket [ -
Keyboard Backslash \ -
Keyboard Right Bracket ] -
Keyboard Caret ^ -
Keyboard Underscore _ -
Keyboard Backquote ` -
Keyboard a -
Keyboard b -
Keyboard c -
Keyboard d -
Keyboard e -
Keyboard f -
Keyboard g -
Keyboard h -
Keyboard i -
Keyboard j -
Keyboard k -
Keyboard l -
Keyboard m -
Keyboard n -
Keyboard o -
Keyboard p -
Keyboard q -
Keyboard r -
Keyboard s -
Keyboard t -
Keyboard u -
Keyboard v -
Keyboard w -
Keyboard x -
Keyboard y -
Keyboard z -
Keyboard Delete -
Keyboard Keypad 0 -
Keyboard Keypad 1 -
Keyboard Keypad 2 -
Keyboard Keypad 3 -
Keyboard Keypad 4 -
Keyboard Keypad 5 -
Keyboard Keypad 6 -
Keyboard Keypad 7 -
Keyboard Keypad 8 -
Keyboard Keypad 9 -
Keyboard Keypad Period . -
Keyboard Keypad Divide / -
Keyboard Keypad Multiply * -
Keyboard Keypad Minus - -
Keyboard Keypad Plus + -
Keyboard Keypad Enter -
Keyboard Keypad Equals = -
Keyboard Up -
Keyboard Down -
Keyboard Right -
Keyboard Left -
Keyboard Insert -
Keyboard Home -
Keyboard End -
Keyboard Page Up -
Keyboard Page Down -
Keyboard F1 -
Keyboard F2 -
Keyboard F3 -
Keyboard F4 -
Keyboard F5 -
Keyboard F6 -
Keyboard F7 -
Keyboard F8 -
Keyboard F9 -
Keyboard F10 -
Keyboard F11 -
Keyboard F12 -
Keyboard F13 -
Keyboard F14 -
Keyboard F15 -
Keyboard Num Lock -
Keyboard Caps Lock -
Keyboard Scroll Lock -
Keyboard Right Shift -
Keyboard Left Shift -
Keyboard Right Control -
Keyboard Left Control -
Keyboard Right Alt -
Keyboard Left Alt -
Keyboard Right Meta -
Keyboard Left Meta -
Keyboard Right Super -
Keyboard Left Super -
Keyboard Mode -
Keyboard Compose -
Keyboard Help -
Keyboard Print -
Keyboard Sys Req -
Keyboard Break -
Keyboard Menu -
Keyboard Power -
Keyboard € -
Keyboard Undo -
Keyboard Unmapped -
Keyboard Unknown -


  • // Add mouse inputs
RetroMouse Inputs (Device name) Inputs
Mouse Cursor -
Mouse 1 -
Mouse 2 -
Mouse 3 -
Mouse 4 -
Mouse 5 -
Wheel Up -
Wheel Down -
Wheel Left -
Wheel Right -


  • // Add pointer inputs
RetroPointer Inputs (Device name) Inputs
or Pointer Position -
or Pointer Pressed -


  • // Add lightgun inputs
  • /// Deprecated Lightgun inputs
  • /// RETRO_DEVICE_ID_LIGHTGUN_CURSOR - Use Gun Aux A instead
  • /// RETRO_DEVICE_ID_LIGHTGUN_TURBO - Use Gun Aux B instead
  • /// RETRO_DEVICE_ID_LIGHTGUN_PAUSE - Use Gun Start instead
RetroLightgun Inputs (Device name) Inputs
Gun Crosshair -
Gun Trigger -
Gun Reload -
Gun Aux A -
Gun Aux B -
Gun Aux C -
Gun Start -
Gun Select -
Gun D-pad Up -
Gun D-pad Down -
Gun D-pad Left -
Gun D-pad Right -


  • // Paste in a link to a compatibility list
  • // Or write up a compatibility description
  • // Or make a compatibility table